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It's in these little things that Lipika and I lived our baking dream.

Bake-a-Diem was born as a desperate measure to stay with each other. Lipika and I were together in Ahmedabad temporarily and she was about to leave soon. Only so that she would stay here, we came up with a baking plan. Cut to a year and a half later, Lipika was finally moving back to Silchar, Assam. And now, it has almost been a year since she has been there, working on the same things as she did in Ahmedabad and I am still here, doing what I did. Even with the work remaining the same, there is so much that is different, now that we are apart. The day Lipika moved, even the baking routine at night was not as fun and relaxing. Every subsequent day in the kitchen has been just a new way of understanding the essence of our baking venture.

While we discussed the logistics of setting up a new workspace in Silchar, we tried our best to have it all covered. All the things that Lily would need, the ways of sourcing our ingredients and so much more. We spent a lot of time figuring it all out. We knew that setting it all up again would not be an easy thing to do, and I must tell you we were extremely nervous. However, once she was there, everything worked out smoothly, and people around Silchar loved her bakes! Lily and her bakes are still a hot deal in the town. Ahmedabad and I, on the other hand, were doing great and the bakes kept receiving more love each day. In the need to plan everything well for Silchar, we forgot to account for the loss that Ahmedabad and I were going to have to face. The loss of Lily, a dancing partner, the brownie perfectionist, and the late night dj! We have both had our own sets of strengths and limitations. Just like every amazing partnership goes, we complemented each other in every way possible. She was the risk- taker when I wanted to play safe. I loved to experiment while she went by the book. We even handled crisis with a balance. One of us would panic while the other would calm things down. We however, could never know beforehand which one who would be. Although one thing was always certain- all we both needed was some music, and a little bit of dancing around the kitchen to lift our spirits. Yes, I miss her more with each passing day. In the beginning of this, I thought that it would be impossible to handle all the problems without her, to complete huge orders, and to manage accounts alone. These have been tough, but manageable. Over these months of staying apart, I have come to realise that it's more in the little celebratory events that I miss her terribly. The times when my buttercream is just the perfect consistency, or the cake bakes with a gorgeous top, or when the cheesecake is all set and not runny!

Today, what keeps driving us is spreading more love. The only good thing about us being apart is that we are able to spread this love and joy through our bakes in two places now. We hope that you are one of those happy eaters who have experienced this warmth that we try to add to our bakes! Cheers!

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